Thursday, March 18


I was teaching a small group of 5th grade boys today and as I was drawing shapes and congruent lines they started they had this inside joke about what I was drawing.
me: Will you stop acting like you're twelve?!
boy1: I am twelve!
we all start laughing
boy2: I'm going to wet my pants!

Yep. Sometimes I have to re-realize that they are twelve.


Ashley Arnold said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Tawny Crane said...

I think I am going to wet my pants! Kids are so funny and they can totally make you feel stupid! I had a 6year old ask me why I was stairing at him, I just asked why he was staring at me! and his responce was 'just cause' and left it at that.

Hannah said...

I love the funny things that kids will say in class.