Wednesday, November 25

cookies left on my doorstep

There was a plate of cookies with a note in my bathroom when I woke up. My dad typed up a label, pasted it to a post-it note, then put the post-it note on the note. It says "Left on doorstep last night. Has male-idiot written all over it." My dad rocks. I found more pleasure in his note than the cookies and the anonymous one-page sweet note. And I knew right off it was not from a male-idiot, i'd recognize that calligraphy handwriting anywhere. my friend roxanne. which makes this even better. because my dad totally dissed my friend.

Love you roxanne, thanks for the anonymous note and cookies.
Love you dad, thanks for looking out for me. For taking the time to type up a label to remind me that I deserve more than male-idiots in my life.

Tuesday, November 24

I'm going to literally explode

I threw a popcorn party for my class today. A few hours later, a teacher brought in some popcorn from another activity to share with us. After she left, I gave my popcorn to the classroom teacher (Becky.)

Becky: Don't you want it?
Hallie: If I have any more popcorn I'm going to explode.
My 2nd graders were concerned and asked if I would really explode.
5 minutes later, I walk around looking at the thanksgiving books students are coloring. As I pass Jacob, he explains his addition to the book (The large blue person sitting on the turkey, pictured below)

Hallie: Who is the blue person?
Jacob: It's you, exploding!
Becky came over to see: What's the green stuff, is she sucking the apples with a straw?
Jacob: No, that's the explosion coming out!
I was laughing hysterically, taking pictures with my cell phone. It's my cellphone wallpaper. I am glad I have one more day so today didn't have to be the last.

Update on the job:
You. Reading this. PRAY.
I applied for the fifth grade position yesterday and the principal will be calling in interviews starting next week. PLEASE JUST LET ME HAVE IT ALREADY!