Friday, September 11

I am 9 years old.

Almost to Lindon Elementary School, my mom calls.
Mom: "Did you forget your lunch?"
Me: "Yes."
Mom: "Well I am going up that way this morning, I can bring it by"
Me: "Thanks, just leave it at the main office and text me."

I get to school early and tell my teacher "I am going to sound like I'm 8 years old but my mom is bringing me my lunch because I forgot it so I might have to step out and get it."

My mom in the main office, 20 minutes after school starts:
"What room is Hallie Shumway in? I'm her mom, can I just drop it off in her classroom?"
Secretary: "Oh no no no, we'll call her in."
Mom leaves, confused.

Sitting in my classroom during journal sharing time, Intercom announces: "Miss Barley? Will you send Hallie Shumway to the main office?"
Great. I thought I could get away with those kids not knowing my first name.
My teacher busts out in quiet, mocking laughter.
I leave the classroom and walk to the office like a bashful 9 year old in trouble. As I turn the corner, I see my mom walking out to her car. So I run out & yell "Thanks mommy!"

I walk into the main office.
"I'm Hallie Shumway"
Secretary, embarrassed: "Oh! I'm so sorry I thought you were a student!"

Thanth, Mith Thecretawy. I feew wame enouf having my mommy bwing me my wunch. Then you call me over de innercome wike I'm in fowrf gwade.

I walk back in the classroom. "Hi, Hayley!" One student mocks.
"My name isn't HAYLEY!"

Sunday, September 6

The social aspect of my life

If you put "hours per week of social life" on the y coordinate and "time since she's been back from NZ" on the x coordinate, you would see a slow but steady increase. I purposely dropped off the planet this summer. It felt kind of good to pretend I didn't exist.

Then I started going crazy. There were no more books to read or something, I don't know what happened. So I started spending time with friends. Then the social itch comes back and you gotta just keep getting out of the house or you'll go crazy. Now it feels good to exist and play with people.

I still need to work on initiating things. I have really loyal friends that invite me to stuff. I never have to do much, I just do what they are doing. So I think I need to have a party soon.

The trouble with me is that I always get a cold sore or a massive zit on my face that makes me want to not exist again. Like on a holiday weekend.

cupcake craze

My mom and I keep making cupcakes from cupcake books. The ladybug is a red m&m! They were so fun to make.

We were bored last weekend and made banana cupcakes. With real homemade butter-cream frosting. Which is a pretty long process! I feel so cool.
Here's a pic from online. Ours looked better.

I don't have pictures of those because they got DELETED WITH MY HIKING TIMP PHOTOS! Technology isn't always reliable huh.

Then while I'm on a roll here, monday at school the pta catered a parent-teacher volunteer meeting. They were serving these in popcorn boxes, on top of white chocolate popcorn. oh my heck they were so good.

It's fast Sunday and I'm on a diet. This is helping me get through.
I'm starting to like fourth grade...