Friday, December 9

The Penny War!

Today was the last day of a week of the Penny War.

I have a strategy that would blow your mind.  I am not going to tell you for fear it will leak to my co-workers.  But it was approved by the principal so not cheating. 
Here are some things I will share with you, just to give you a glimpse:
  • I stand out in the hall by my jar and hand out m&m's to kids.  Sometimes it will be one m&m to every kid that passes.  Sometimes to kids that put pennies in my jar.  Even though they should put pennies in their OWN jars :)
  • I remind the kids to "bomb" (put silver coins) in the #1 teacher's jar (which was never me, I lay low till the last day)
  • AND I have pep talks with my own kids at least once a day, giving them updates to my strategy for that day or just telling them how exciting it all is.  We've become closer from this penny war. 
Last year I won the trophy for making the most MONEY, which means I got bombed more than I had pennies and dollars.  But this year I wanted to win the trophy for most POINTS (and I did.) So I made sure I didn't make any enemies with the other kids at school.  I wanted everyone to be on my side.  Thus, I handed out m&m's to all and got them to bomb the right classes.
My class raised almost $300...that is almost $10 a kid!  They caught my competitive, over-zealous obsession.  With constant reminders to them (and mostly myself) that this money is for families in need, we kept bringing in the dough.  It was a fun week to be a teacher and take part in this thrilling game.  Even if we hadn't won a trophy or the pizza party that comes with it, we have amazing memories and the fun of knowing we were bringing Christmas to families in need.

Wednesday, December 7

Nailed Christmas

Do you like my fingernails?

Tuesday, December 6

Heart Attack!


My carpool friend noticed I was having a rough morning on the way to work.
By lunch I was seriously considering calling in a sub and leaving, I just wasn't my normal happy self and it was weighing on me.
Well I walk in the classroom door from lunch to find all my students working on Daily Oral Language.  I was so surprised and gave them two class letters.  I didn't notice until they pointed them out, but there were pink hearts all over the classroom!  On the table and counter tops, on the cupboards and walls, "you're the best in the world!" on the globe.  They were notes from my carpool's class and my own.  I was so touched that I started crying.  And it got pretty awkward because 5th graders don't cry when they are happy.  So I told them to bring it in for a class hug.  We had a good laugh as we gathered, layer upon layer, in a circle to embrace.

I LOVE MY JOB and my KIDS and my dearest carpool friend.

Sick joke gone good

 I was approached by one of my dear students with this Christmas gift today.
In case you can't read the quote, it says "I'm going there someday..."
My first reaction was "Ummm...are they trying to hint that I should get married?"
It was borderline offensive.  Not really, but I seriously thought they chose a special quote for me because I am not married yet... haha.
But then I looked at the actual temple.  I had never seen this temple before.  So I asked the student what temple it was.
"The Payson Temple!"
My reaction caused the rest of the class to gather round and take a look.
Isn't is beautiful? 
I AM going there someday!  I love and treasure this gift and can't wait for it to be built.


I don't know if you have heard of poutine, but it it french fries, gravy, and cheese.  You eat it with a fork like a meal.  And the way it feels in your tummy is like a cozy Christmas morning.

I had this yesterday for the first time.  My friend Coryse has family in Canada so they make it all the time.  With scratch from whole potatoes. 

I will never be the same!