The pictures from Park City. Please don't kill me. I will have it soon!
I am sick. coming down with something. I looked down my throat this morning and there were spots of blisters all over the back of my throat. My dentist wrote me a prescription for antibiotics for a mouth sore I had 3 weeks ago and I was like "I am not taking antibiotics for that lil thing!" So if this gets really bad and doesn't leave me alone come Washington DC time, I have no choice but to take antibiotics.
This weekend was good because my family is in town for Alyson's farewell. She is going on a mission. I will really miss her. It is going to be hard to have one less real friend in my life. I only have a handful of those. I will dedicate an entire post to her after she leaves, because I don't miss people and things until they are gone. and it hits me like a brick wall that they are gone.
This week is going to be the hardest week of this semester and then finals will come and that will beat me even harder. So I guess I am taking this week to prepare for a hard beating. Why will it be a hard week hallie? you may ask. well I have 2 research papers (a total of 20 pages) and 2 tests. And all this ward stuff. parties, FHE, sleepovers, and a temple trip to Manti. I am really excited, but why during the hardest week of the semester? WHY?
It's okay. It's alright. I am sure I will still pass my classes and that is all that matters. Oh and if I learn something too. Because I am not paying for the degree, I am paying to learn. mmhm.