Saturday, August 1

Arizona for my Gramma's 81st is bringing out the best in me

I drove half-way. As we were finally pulling up to Gramma's, my mom and sister were finishing their discussion on my driving performance. Like I have some kind of sign on my forehead that says "How's my driving? Discuss it while I listen!"
I ended up sort-of agreeing with what they were saying and said: "driving on this trip helped me realize that maybe I should not have been issued a license."

You know what I hate? Shopping lists. You write up this list (or in this case your mom gives you a list) and it has no organization to it. And if you are not familiar with the store's floor plan, you find yourself walking the length of the store at least 6 times before checking out with everything you need. I can't think in my brain "ok so the cookies are going to be in the back by the milk then the dressing is going to be on the same isle as the pimentos which THEY DO NOT CARRY then the bread will be right next to the ice cream!" UGHHH.

Then there is the diving board. It's real fun for the short moment between jumping off and water-contact. But how am I supposed to know how to form my body in a way that no surface will get a giant SLAP? And my sister swears I "skipped" like a rock when I tried to do a long-distance dive. And don't ever try the "lean sideways and see how far you can go without breaking your fall." I swear my face will never feel the same again.

It's nice to be out of provo though. and utah. you do have it hot but you don't even know what you're talking about until you come down here. I kind of like it though. murder-hotness.

Oh and Gina started our stay off right with our Barbie head wars! We had just walked in and I went to the bathroom. As I opened the door, I saw Gina's shadow fleeing the premises. I looked down and saw what I thought was a furry animal. No. It was my good friend Stacy Barbie Head. Startling.

Sunday, July 26

4th Annual Shumway Reunion

The last two weekends I have been at reunions. The first was with my immediate fam. There are 18 of us! I'll talk about the second reunion later.

This year's reunion was a really fantastic one. It was Gina and my turn to take charge and we mostly played it by ear. Whatever we felt like doing we just did it! Like the...
Talent Show
little tods dancing

Ranger rides!
Pool in Kamas

Everyone arrived on Thursday afternoon and I wanted to go to the Heber Farmer's Market. So I took the two boys pictured above.
It was a blast to walk around the little shops with them. We held hands and stuck together through the tight crowd and because they were so good we got kettle corn!
On our way back my mom called and asked that we drop by the grocery store to pick up a couple needed items. So we went. And of course we got the cart with the play car attached to the front.
Well as we were checking out the boys were playing tug-of-war with the steering wheel. Little did I know how far they took this.
Walking out to the car my sister called, needing one more thing. So I wheeled back around to go back in the store and saw Jonah (pictured left) biting Ty's cheek (pictured right). Then Ty bit Jonah's shoulder. Large welts emerged. So I wheeled around the store looking for an awkward item that I didn't want to ask anyone for with two bawling little boys. When people would give me various faces I'd respond with "nephews."
We had a good chat on the 20 minute drive back to the cabin, with the boys retelling the story, changing it each time. We decided it hurts less to be nice and that biting is not nice.