We caught him.
I saw the live mouse trap door closed (see picture in earlier post) and picked it up, tilted it from side to side, and DEFINITELY there was something in there. I was POSITIVE.
Well my dad was the only other person home so he drove me to the cemetery to set him free. So it felt like dejavu pulling out of the driveway, live mouse trap in hand, pulling up to cemetery, opening the trap door...waiting....
and he JUMPED out! and he was off to new adventures.
Driving home I was looking for reassurance that Nibbles would be ok.
"He won't freeze or go hungry, right? He'll find other mice to be friends with and they'll find plenty of seeds and dried fruits."
Dad: "Yes, he'll find friends. There's plenty of hawks, coyotes, and fox that'll find him."
Thanks, dad. At least the death of Nibbles isn't my fault though, right? his blood will be on the paws or claws of another.
This makes no sense:
"I saw the door closed and picked it up, tilted it from side to side, and DEFINITELY there was something in there. I was POSITIVE."
I'm interested to hear what happened in real words.
I changed it so you will understand it.
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